Hiring a Nanny and Becoming a Nanny Employer
Communicating Your Parenting Style
Parenting styles vary from family to family. While one family may have a strict
set of rules and follow a consistent daily schedule, others may be more relaxed
and look to their children to dictate the flow of their day.
While your nanny has likely had experience working with a variety of parents, their
parenting style was likely different than yours. For your nanny to succeed in her
job, it's essential that you communicate your parenting style to your nanny.
How do you discipline?
It is important for you to clearly communicate with your nanny how you guide your
child's behavior. Some parents prefer using time-out, others offer redirection and
still others take away privileges for poor behavior choices. Helping your nanny
to understand how you view and implement discipline can ensure that she is consistent
in adhering to your family's style.
If there is parenting book that your family uses as a guide or a reference, recommend
that your nanny read it. If there is a model of parenting that you adhere to, like
attachment parenting, provide her with resources to learn more about it. Only when
your nanny clearly understands your parenting style is she able to support it.
You'll also want to provide your nanny with a list of house rules. Hanging them
in a convenient location, like on the fridge, can help keep them in the forefront
of both your nanny and children's mind.
Under no circumstances, should you ask or expect your nanny to physically discipline
your children. Nannies should never agree to spank or provide other forms of corporal
punishment to the children in their care.