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We have found the right nanny for our family, what information should I keep on file about her?

June 14, 2010

By, Dr. Lindsay Heller, The Nanny Doctor

Congratulations on finding the right nanny for your family! Now what?

Once you have been through the interview process and the vetting and nanny background check and have decided on the right nanny for your family, it’s important to collect important information to have on file about your new household employee. You are now an employer and your household is now a workplace. This may be the first time you have ever managed or employed someone. Here is a list of things that you should have on file:

1)   a copy of your nanny’s driver’s license.

2)   A second form of identification

3)   A copy of her resume

4)   A copy of her references

5)   A copy of the nanny backgound check you conducted

6)   A copy of her cpr/first aid certification

7)   A copy of the signed work agreement

8)   A copy of her job description

9)   A copy of a confidentiality agreement if you have one

10)A copy of her driving record from the DMV

11)A signed I-9 form

Once you start a personnel file on your new employee, make sure you keep it in a place where you can find it! This file is a great place to keep notes about your nanny doing something exceptional and discussing it at the review date! It is also a good reference for knowing when you will need her to get recertified for infant cpr/first aid.

Unfortunately, sometimes things happen such as theft or fraud and you need to protect you and your family. One way of doing this is collecting important information about your nanny upfront so that if something goes wrong, you know in fact who she is and have verified it prior to employ.

By creating a personnel file, it forces you to formalize the relationship which can also be important in establishing employee/employer boundaries. This may seem “impersonal” but it is absolutely essential should you wish for this relationship to last!


4 Responses to We have found the right nanny for our family, what information should I keep on file about her?

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Deborah Walls says:

We have a binder we keep all of this information in, that way we can easily and quickly reference it if need be. The only thing we don’t have in ours is a second form of identification – never even thought about that, but it makes sense!

Roxanna says:

Love this! We have all of this information on file, but combining it into a file where we can also track notes about our nanny to bring up during reviews is a great idea!

Betsy Simmons says:

I try to bring a copy of most of this stuff (obviously you can’t bring a job description or work agreement to an interview, ha!) to any second or third interviews I have that seem to have potential. This makes it easier for both the family, who is going to need this info anyway, and for me, because then I don’t have to go searching for it when they ask :)

elizabeth mills says:

ah! i need to print out this list for reference when it comes time to hire a new nanny! thanks for the info.