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Time to review your nanny’s job description and nanny contract?

July 6, 2010

by, Dr. Lindsay Heller  www.thenannydoctor.com

Maybe you had on your list of New Year’s resolutions to review your nanny’s nanny job description, work agreement and more. Now, it’s time to think about your nanny and your household management.

1) Review your Nanny Job Description
When was the last time you updated your nanny’s job description? As your life goes on and your children develop, your needs will change over time. As a result, you will need to update your job description accordingly.

2) Update your Work Agreement or Nanny Contract
Didn’t develop a work agreement or nanny contract when you first hired your nanny? Well, it’s not too late! eNannySource has a complete nanny contract as part of their Nanny Success Kit. Develop a work agreement that includes a start date to the agreement and an end date. Include a 6 month review date and an annual review date. Include your nannies duties, agreed payment and payment schedule, rules and expectations of the household, how you expect your nanny to handle differences or any questions she may have regarding raising your child. Be sure to include the hours and days your nanny has agreed to work. Include also what days off your nanny has throughout the year as well as how sick/personal days will work in your household.

3) Have your Annual Meeting with your nanny.
You should have an annual meeting with your nanny every year. Ideally this meeting should take place on the same predetermined date every year. At this meeting you and your nanny should sit down, formally discuss your nanny’s current job description and her nanny work, discuss what has been working and what hasn’t been working. This meeting should be a collaborative dialogue. Listen to your nanny and her ideas and make sure you do your best to help her to feel comfortable to discuss her thoughts and concerns.

4) Show your nanny appreciation! The nanny salary .
At this time, it is also a good time to discuss a raise for your nanny. When giving her a raise, you should pair it with why you are giving her a raise and address all of the wonderful things that she has done for your family. This is a time to express your appreciation! A raise should be anywhere from 2-4%.


6 Responses to Time to review your nanny’s job description and nanny contract?

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Olivia V. says:

I think having an annual meeting to review the contract and what’s working and what isn’t is a great idea – and really the best way to continue to grow your relationship with your nanny. It’s definitely helped us iron out exactly what works for us and what doesn’t!

Melissa - Nanny to Jayden says:

It’s important to make sure the meeting is an actual dialogue where you listen to the other person’s side of things. Especially if you’re bringing grievances to the table – it’s easy to get caught up in what you think is wrong without realizing that the other party may not have even realized there was a problem. Just my two cents :)

admin says:

Great point Melissa!! Going into any meeting with guns a-blazing is never a good idea!

Stella Wakefield says:

It’s so easy to forget to get the job description updated – which is exactly how job creep starts to happen. I’ve held several positions where over time I’ve gradually taken on more tasks and before you know it my entire job has changed. Employers don’t even usually realize it’s happening until you sit down and outline what you were hired to do vs. what you’re currently doing… It’s eye opening!

Laurie J. says:

This is so true! We had no idea how much we were piling on our nanny (she is such an angel, she just came trudging through) until she finally requested a meeting to go over her job description. I was almost embarrassed how much we had started to just throw things on her – we’re much more aware now of the tasks we ask her to take on and compensating her accordingly when they become regular duties.

admin says:

It’s so great that you recognized it and took the steps to fix it Laurie – a lot of people lose nannies because they don’t think it’s a big deal to continually add more work to their schedule – but nannies are professionals who deserve to be compensated for going above and beyond too!