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Communicating with your nanny

June 13, 2011

After over 17 years in the nanny business and 13+ years as a nanny employer I’ve come to believe that communication is the most important element in a successful nanny/family relationship. The nanny I hired started when my son was born.

Over the years we have grown to trust each other completely and that trust was built on communication. Claudia is a very smart, hard-working person who loves my son. I treat her in every way as an equal (she’s my superior in some ways!) and greatly respect her. I never treat her as an “employee”, but rather as a partner.

Because of the high regard I hold her in my son respects her and values her in the same way that I do. I believe that the people I have in our lives reflects on me as a parent. Danny picks up good values that he can use throughout his life from his and my relationship with Claudia.

I don’t know how many times I’ve been in social situations and the parents complain to me about the quality of the person that works for them, 0ften insulting their intelligence, motivation and more. What message are they sending to their kids?


7 Responses to Communicating with your nanny

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Julianna says:

It’s sad to hear that parents complain about their caregivers. While sometimes its simply not a good match, a better solution is just to move on from that relationship and find someone that you do trust and do want to praise to others.

admin says:

We agree! Thanks for the comment!

Maria Rios says:

It’s crucial for parents and nannies to work together and mutually respect each other. If they don’t, the relationship is practically doomed to fail.

Shandra T. says:

If you’re going to complain about the intelligence of your caregiver, why hire her in the first place? To me, that reflects poorly on the parents decision making…

Jessica says:

good communication between a parent and nanny is key to building a successful employment relationship. if you can’t talk to each other, you can solve any problems that come up throughout the course of the employment!

Sandra Ortiz says:

I wish more parents realized that the way they treat the nanny is also the way the child will treat the nanny in most instances. By treating her as an equal, a child will treat her with respect. By acting as though she’s beneath them, though, you’re basically undermining her authority – and your child sees that!

Emileigh M. says:

I think sometimes it’s easy to forget that our kids are soaking in every single thing we do. Because of that, it’s up to us parents to model the behavior we want and to teach them positive characteristics – like communication, honesty, positivity, etc.