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Expert Insights: Catching Up With Nanny Stella from Nanny 911

November 8, 2012

by Michelle LaRowe
Editor in Chief

I first met Nanny Stella several years ago, and from the moment I met her I knew she was the real deal. Over the years we’ve stayed connected, and recently I was able to catch up with her between caring for other people’s babies and caring for her own. Here’s a bit of what she had to say.

eNannySource: What have you been up to since Nanny 911?

Stella: I have been very busy! Initially, I was doing guest appearances and public speaking all over and traveled as far as Indonesia, but I have ultimately been busy getting pregnant and having a baby.  I got pregnant in 2011 via IVF and had an amazing baby boy the day before I turned 47. Professionally, I predominantly consult with families and work as an infant care specialist/doula. I no longer work as a nanny.

eNannySource: Tell me about the training you’re doing for nannies?

Stella: I had initially attempted to train nannies via The Nanny School of Los Angeles some years ago. That didn’t work out and now I’m focusing on doing training events. On November 10, 2012 we’ll be doing a training event in Los Angeles. You can learn more at http://www.thenannyinstitute.com/.

eNannySource: Why is training important for nannies?

Stella: I believe training is important for any professional. I believe that on the job training and academic training go hand in hand.  Experience and education make a better nanny. I believe in education so much so that I went back to college in the UK when I was in my 30′s to become a qualified nanny.

eNannySource: What are your best  tips for those thinking about becoming a nanny?

Stella: First, love children. Second, be a team player. You are there to help parents, not to take over.

Third, get as much education and training as you can. Whether it be food hygiene training or CPR training, education is important. Lastly, be creative.

eNannySource: What did you think of the reality show Beverly Hills Nannies?

Stella: I can’t watch the show. I watched one episode and wanted to throw up. I feel it is offensive to the profession of nannies.

eNannySource: How do you like being a mom? Is it different than being a nanny?

Stella: Being a mum is the best job I have ever had!  It’s my ultimate job. It is different in the sense that I only have to answer to my husband and myself. We are the bosses. It is also different as I don’t get to give him back at the end of the day or at the end of my shift. I am always on duty. The love is different too. I have one previous charge who is one of the loves of my life – but the love for my son is that love time 100 plus.

eNannySource: Is there anything else you want to share?

Stella: Nannying in the UK is a profession. I hope that the USA looks at the nanny role with the same respect as those in UK do. After all it is a very, very important job. You aren’t handling paper or product, you are handling a child, and if a child is a commodity it is certainly a priceless one.

For over 20 years, Nanny Stella has positively impacted the lives of families all over the world with her expertise and passion as a solution-based family consultant. Stella is a real-life British Nanny, and is regarded as one of the top authorities on parenting. As an author, TV star, and consultant to celebrities and families, her renowned parenting methods are accredited and proven. To learn more about Nanny Stella visit www.NannyStella.com.


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