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Caring for Three or More

March 20, 2017

For many larger families, nanny care is the most affordable, effective, and efficient childcare option. Unlike with daycares, nannies don’t charge a per child fee or age children out of their care, so for parents with several children of differing ages, nanny care is an attractive childcare option. And given that most nanniesshutterstock_605237732 transport children as part of the job duties – and are willing to be a bit flexible with their scheduling when required – nanny care is most often the ideal childcare choice for multi-child families.

However, many nannies are hesitant to take on jobs with more than two children. Since jobs caring for one or two children are often offering the same wages as jobs that require caring for three or more children, the slight bump in hourly wages isn’t appealing enough to take on the extra work.

But as parents in large families will tell you, double the children isn’t necessarily double the work. Here’s why:

1. The scale of economy. Translated to childcare, the more children there are, the less “above and beyond” work required to care for each individual child. If you’re cooking pasta for dinner, for example, the work required to make pasta for an additional person isn’t really that much.

2. Forced routine, structure, and organization. Successful large families will tell you that when caring for multiple children of various ages with unique needs, having routine, structure and organization are essential. Most larger families operate like a fine-tuned machine and the hard work of establishing consistent patterns from day to day is already done.

3. Increased social/emotional development. Children in large families tend to have solid social/emotional relationships and are used to having to wait their turn, share, and get along with others. These kids tend to know how to develop relationships with their peers because they get lots of practice doing so.

4. Group friendly activities. When caring for several children, having activities that all the kids can participate in at their age an interest level is essential. Nannies caring for large families can adapt many activities to be all inclusive. Having theme days where activities revolve around a centralized theme and having children engage in the arts and outdoor play can help ensure fun for everyone.

5. Opportunities to fine-tine your caregiving skills. When caring for several children, nannies must meet the needs of one child without sacrificing the needs of another. Nannies who are competent in caring for multiple children learn to prioritize needs, multi-task and learn to be fair, which doesn’t always mean ensuring equality. Nannies caring for children in large families have a real opportunity to increase their caregiving abilities through rich the rich experiences afforded by hands-on care.

Nannies who find their niche out earn and outperform their peers in the areas where they specialize. If you’re looking to stand out in your career, consider specializing in caring for multiple children in larger families. A well-referenced nanny who has experience caring for several children of all ages will quickly stand out among peers when applying for jobs that require experience caring for several children of varying ages. Nannies who have a background working in daycare are especially poised to specialize in caring for children in large families since they already have experience caring for several children of varying ages under their belt.


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