We just released our newest press release touting our winning of the Webpage testing awards from SubscriptionSiteInsider.com. We’re very proud of these achievements and grateful for the wonderful companies we work with. http://www.prweb.com/releases/prwebnanny/online/prweb8540610.htm
Although this award doesn’t have to do directly with helping a nanny online find a job or a family find an online nanny agency, it’s just part of our overall efforts to be the best we can be in all areas of business. We like to think of it all as part of one large whole package and believe excellence spills over into all aspects of business and our personal lives.
A small example is this testimonial we received today from a nanny that warmed our hearts. “Your filtering is much more precise – when I type in live-in, that’s exactly what I get. Oh, and I love the way that your contact the potential family is set up. Have many accounts like xxre.com, xxxxPair, xxNannies, but you’re the best! About time someone got it right! Was this site a woman’s idea? LOL” Thanks Margaret for the kind words of praise.
← eNannySource announces the winners of their nanny and family contest | Communicating with your nanny →
Definitely achievements to be proud of! Great work!
wonder what those other sites are… margaret is right though, you guys are the best out there!
Awesome job!
Keep up the great work – it’s definitely important to strive to be the best in all facets of your business, and clearly you’re succeeding!