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Time to Celebrate: Creative Ideas for Kid Birthday Parties

June 23, 2014

princesspartyIf you want your child to have an epic birthday party, it doesn’t have to take months to plan exciting activities and themes. In fact, you can get creative with household items and cues from your little one.

If he loves football, launch a Superbowl-themed party. If she dreams of being a princess, break out the tiaras. Find the perfect fit and theme for your birthday kid with these creative suggestions.

SuperBowl Mania

If your tiny tyke’s birthday falls during football season or he is passionate about tossing the ball around the yard, launch a Superbowl-themed birthday party. Greg Jenkins, an event planner with Bravo Productions, recommends getting creative with the décor the day of the party.

“Decorate long banquet tables with green Astroturf and use white tape to create football field markings,” he says. “The Astroturf serves as your party linen and guests are encouraged to sit at the table.” You could also use benches for seating, similar to those found on the football field for players.

For décor, skip draping crepe paper from the ceiling and use team pennants and flags from your child’s favorite team instead. “Provide football helmets and pom poms to all the guests as a party hat,” says Jenkins. “You can find inexpensive paper or plastic helmets at local party supply stores.

For entertainment, have the kids create their own half-time show, complete with karaoke and costumes. “It’s a way of inspiring children to be creative and have fun, while defraying costs for children’s entertainment,” says Jenkins.

Serve hearty game day food, too, such as chili, hot dogs, smoked sausages on rolls and pizza, suggests Jenkins.

CandyLand Lane

For a sweet and creative approach to your child’s birthday party, consider hosting a CandyLane themed celebration. Begin by creating party invitations out of lollipops to sweeten the anticipation for your child’s birthday festivities. Simply cut out circular pieces of construction paper, write down the party details and tape it to the outside of a lollipop (with the candy wrapper secured). Your guests will get to experience something sweet before they even arrive at your home.

Don’t forget to sweeten the décor, too. Create lollipop signs (similar to the CandyLand game) and line them up on the walkway to your home to guide guests as they arrive.

A birthday party with a candy coated cake or build-your-own candy cupcakes are just what this party needs. For the cupcakes, line up bowls of gummy bears, gum drops and lollipops next to iced cupcakes so each guest can decorate his or her own sweet treat for the day.

Keep the kids busy on a CandyLand adventure by pre-making sticks with circular construction cutouts. Take a picture of each guest, print them on a color printer and paste the photo to the makeshift ‘picture’ lollipop. This way, each guest can leave with memories and a treasured treat after the party. Of course, the party would not be complete without a game of CandyLand with all the guests.

Dynamite Dinosaurs

If you’re child is entranced by dinosaurs, launch a dino-themed birthday party to satisfy his sense of adventure. Beyond decorating your home with pictures of dinosaurs, provide guests with the tools to embark on a digging adventure.

Simply place miniature dinosaurs in plastic Easter eggs and begin hiding these treasures in the sand box or the backyard. Provide each guest with a digging kit (plastic shovels and a bucket) and send them into the great outdoors to discover the remains of dinosaurs.

You can also launch educational games, such as trivia about dinosaurs, or ask each child to decorate a cut-out of these creatures with paint or crayons.

Don’t forget to get creative with the food, too. Have your local baker create a dinosaur-shaped cake or have each child decorate dino-cupcakes with sprinkles.

Pet Palace

Children love to visit the zoo and pet the animals, so why not bring the zoo to your home for a pet party? Simply ask each guest to bring their pet to the party (with a leash or cage, of course, to ensure safety for the children). Send out animal-themed invites and set any regulations needed, such as dogs only. If you’ve got the space, host the celebration in your back yard or at a local dog park or community park.

From fish and felines, to ferrets and furry friends, this outdoor party is a perfect celebration for your little animal lover. Just take precautions, such as cornering off a section of the yard for different types of animals, and always check with party attendees about animal allergies to prevent any type of medical situation.


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